Tuesday 23 February 2016

Senator Kabiru Marafa Shuns Senate Committee Probe

Senator Kabiru Marafa, representing Zamfara Central on Monday, failed to appear before the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions, to answer to allegations of misguided statements against the National Assembly.

The senator, was petitioned by two senators, Isah Misau (APC-Bauchi Central) and Matthew Urhoghide (PDP-Edo South) ovee comments in a national dailies that demeaned the reputation of the National Assembly.
Sen. Matthew Urhoghide while answering questions from the committee, said that Marafa in several interviews with some national dailies, said that the National Assembly was corrupt.

``On Jan. 27, the electronic media was inaundated with accusation by former President olusegun Obasanjo and I saw it as an affront because facts were misplaced and I felt demeaned because of his deliberate attempt to malign us.

``I was not bordered about Obasanjo’s claim but on Feb 7, Sen. Marafa granted an interview and what he said are in tandem with the claims of Obasanjo.

``I don’t think the 8th senate has expressed any element of greed or recklessness, these are not friendly terms, they are despicable. So he should be called to explain how corrupt the senate is’’ he said.

Urhoghide said Marafa further made several unguided statements about the Senate, including the constitution of standing committees, selection of new senators as heads of committees and proposed purchase of vehicles among others.

He urged the senate to invoke its Standing Rule by punishing Marafa to serve as deterrent and forestall a recurrence of similar statements from other lawmakers.

The Chairman of the Committee, Sen. Samuel Anyanwu, said the committee would deliberate on the issue and report to the senate on Tuesday for the appropriate action to be taken.

``I got a letter dated Feb. 17 from Sen. Marafa, signed by his Legislative Aide, indicating that the senator was out of town to condole with Sen. Suleiman Hunkuyi, who lost his mother.

``The letter further indicated that the senator would be back at the weekend and would be ready for hearing any time this week, ‘’ he said.

The Committee immediately went into a closed door session to further deliberate on the petition.

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